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Summer Fete - 6th July 2019,
1:30PM - Sprites Playing Field
The 36th Ipswich scout group is holding its annual fete on the 6th of July. We have lots of fun things to do, great food and interesting entertainment.
This year our MC is Glenn Yellopp from Abacus Entertainment. Glenn is a very popular childrens entertainer in the local area.
In the Grand Ring we have:
- Baby Show judged by the mayor
- Ice Illusions Majorettes
- The VIPS
- Pendrill Dance
- Childrens Races
And we have lots of fun stalls including:
- Tin Can Alley
- Panning for Gold
- Cocunut Stall
- Crockery Smash
- Teddy Bear Tombola
- Football shoot
- Stocks
- Boucy Castles
- Ride on Train
- and many more
local groups in attendance are:
- Guide Dogs
- DNG Cars
- Ice Illusions Majorettes
- Epic Nerf Party
- ssafa
- Pendrill Dance
- Wacky Warehouse
We will have plenty of refreshments and a BBQ.
The fete is held on sprites school playing field in chantry,
If you would be interested in having a stall at the fete then please get in touch.
email: fete@36thipswichscouts.co.uk
We are also looking for people to help us in the organisation and running of the fete. This could be joining the fete committee which meet on the 1st Tuesday every month or volunteering to help set-up, run or tidy up the fete.